Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fun on a Saturday night, a Saturday night...WHA?

So today has been deemed Lazy Saturday. Well, at least in a way it's been lazy. Although I gave my apartment the ultimate scrub down (my kitchen glimmers, I tell you what), tried to vacuum (anyone have a spare vacuum they want to donate to the poor college kid fund?), and made sure that I finished all of my physics homework (100% baby!), I still managed to totally and completely chill out today.

While I cleaned, I listened to a glorious shutout by the BYU football team. I feel in my heart that a Wyoming shutout was just what I needed to make cleaning a joyous occasion. I adore listening to Greg Wrubell yell and shout. Whenever I hear his voice, I think of the Utah game in 2006 and him literally screaming "Throws behind him, it is....CAUGHT FOR THE TOUCHDOWN! Caught for the touchdown! Caught for the touchdown! Jonny Harline got it for the score! Harline by himself in the endzone! The Cougars win it! On the final play of the game!" The man is an absolute nut but, like I said, I adore him.

Then I proceeded to sit on the couch for the rest of the day. In fact, I am still there right now, and I sat down at about 2:00 p.m. It's now 11:00 p.m. I will say this in my defense: I did shower and I have eaten food. I even did my homework while sitting on said couch. So the reality is that I'm not quite as lazy as I seem. On the other hand, I have done a plethora of things I don't normally do.

First: I watched three football games. Okay, so actually...I do this every Saturday. But this time I actually watched them, rather than listening while studying for a test of some kind. Instead I was able to enjoy seeing games play out on my little screen. None of the games were as pretty/kick-A as the BYU game, obviously, but it was basically awesome.

Second: I watched interviews with basically every movie star ever. Well, maybe not ever, but I did watch a lot. I watched interviews with John Krasinski/Jim from The Office, Jenna Fischer/Pam from The Office, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Harrison Ford, the Slumdog Millionaire people, and just about everyone that was in a movie last year. I have discovered that I wish John Krasinski were my lover, Harrison Ford would shut up, and Robert Pattinson was my best friend. Sigh. Wishful thinking will get me nowhere.

Third: I decided to order pizza and drink a Dr. Pepper while I watched a movie. I chose Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, the film obsession of my younger years. I don't own it, so I got on Youtube and hunted down an HD version. The problem is, in this version, when the aliens speak, there aren't any subtitles. Sad thing is I DIDN'T NEED THEM. I knew exactly what they were saying. And I haven't watched this Episode since Episode III came out almost 5 years ago. Maybe even before that. I never realized how pathetic I was. But I will embrace the nerdy side of myself and chow down on pizza instead.

So now, I will finish my movie and snuggle up in my bed under my comforter on this Lazy Saturday. Hope all is happy in your world!

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