Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Love Letter That Stings: Erin's Relationship With the Cougars

Cougar Football,

Missing you. I don't like the long distance relationship we have right now. It doesn't sit well with me. But because my love for you is so deep and long lasting, I'm willing to stick it out. We work well together when we both work hard and make this relationship happen. And I feel like I've put a lot of work into this relationship. And you have, too. I know it's been hard this year especially with me out of the picture. You have struggled mightily at times to make me happy and even made some major slip-ups. But I think we can work through this. Let's keep on trekking and I know we can make it. So Cougar Football, I hope that when we have our weekly conversation tonight that it isn't one-sided for me. Because heaven knows I've had enough of those already this season. And I am sorry for my unkind and sometimes even harsh words, but they felt necessary at the time (even now...I still can't talk about that time you...had a run-in with that trashy Utah team and let them take advantage of you). So I'm going to work hard here in Omaha as long as you promise to work hard in Provo. It will pay off one day. And on that day, I will come to visit you in Pasadena, New Orleans, Glendale, or Miami-- really, wherever you may end up when you make it big. I'll be there. Don't you ever doubt it.

Much love,
Erin, The Ever Faithful Fan

It's been a while. Sorry, I've been crazy busy. And cheating on blogspot with tumblr. It you want to check out my tumblr, feel free. It's mostly just me posting pictures and things I think are funny every few days. Basically stuff I like from movies and television...yep, I'm soooper cool!

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